

Preaching from the Bible
We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.  In addition to sermons, you may also be interested in browsing our gospel meetings and Bible classes.
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Displaying 1396 - 1410 of 1808

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/23/11 The Biblical Story of Creation Arnold Schnabel Sermon (none) Sun AM The_Biblical_Story_of_Creation_-_Arnold_Schnabel.mp3
10/16/11 Spiritual Worship Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun PM Spiritual_Worship_-_Wayne_Goff_-_10-16-2011pm.mp3
10/16/11 Conversion Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM Conversion_-wayne_goff-10-16-2011am.mp3
10/09/11 Flee, Follow, Fight Focus Andy Kleinlein Sermon (none) Sun AM Flee,_Follow,_Fight,_Focus_-_Andy_Kleinlein_-_Oct-9-2011am.mp3
10/09/11 Why Not Hide? Jerald Prater Sermon (none) Sun PM Why_Not_Hide_-_Jerald_Prater_-_10-9-2011pm.mp3
10/02/11 What Sermon Do You Want To Hear? Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun PM What_Sermon_Do_you_want_to_hear_-_Wayne_Goff_-_10-2-2011pm.mp3
10/02/11 Colors of the Cross Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM Colors_of_the_Cross_-_Wayne_Goff_-_10-2-2011am.mp3
09/25/11 Fighting Against God Wayne Goff Sermon (none) Sun AM Book_Of_Isaiah_-_Lesson_12b_-_Wayne_Goff.mp3
09/25/11 Symphony For The Devil John C. Nickell Sermon (none) Sun PM Symphony_For_The_Devil_-_John_Nickell.mp3
09/23/11 The Judgment: Who Me? Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting Fall 2011 Gospel Meeting The_Judgement_-_who_me_._Jerry_Fite.mp3
09/22/11 We Can Know Absolutely Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting Fall 2011 Gospel Meeting We_Can_Know_Absolutely_-_Jerry_Fite.mp3
09/21/11 Killing Evil Desire Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting Fall 2011 Gospel Meeting Killing_Evil_Desire_-_Jerry_Fite_-_09-21-2011.mp3
09/20/11 Is Your Faith A Saving Faith? Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting Fall 2011 Gospel Meeting Is_Your_Faith_A_Saving_Faith_-_Jerry_Fite.mp3
09/19/11 What Is Your Church Heritage? Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting Fall 2011 Gospel Meeting What_Is_Your_Church_Heritage_-_Jerry_Fite.mp3
09/18/11 Are You Passing or Failing? Jerry Fite Gospel Meeting Fall 2011 Gospel Meeting Are_You_Passing_or_Failing_-_Jerry_Fike.mp3

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