

Preaching from the Bible
We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.  In addition to sermons, you may also be interested in browsing our gospel meetings and Bible classes.
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Displaying 1156 - 1170 of 1786

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/03/13 Rebellion of Korah Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun AM Rebellion of Korah - Wayne Goff - 11-03-2013am.mp3
10/27/13 How Free Can We Be? Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun AM How Free Can We Be - Wayne Goff - 10-27-2013am.mp3
10/27/13 True Worship Jon Gorham Sermon N/A Sun PM True Worship - Jon Gorham - 10-27-2013pm.mp3
10/20/13 Three Eternal Principles Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun AM Three Eternal Principles.mp3
10/20/13 Contending with Horses Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun PM Contending with Horses - Wayne Goff - 10-20-2013pm.mp3
10/13/13 Two Servants (A Lesson on Forgiveness) Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun AM Two Servants - A Lesson on Forgiviness - Wayne Goff - 10-13-2013am.mp3
10/13/13 Some Suffering Sayings of Jesus Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun PM Some Suffering Sayings of Jesus - Wayne Goff - 10-13-2013pm.mp3
10/06/13 Fellowship & Unity Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun AM Fellowship and Unity - Wayne Goff - 10-06-2013am.mp3
10/06/13 The Church's Responsability To The Elders Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun PM The Churchs Responsability to the Elders - Wayne Goff - 10-6-2013pm.mp3
09/29/13 The Power of Gods Word (2) Wayne Goff Sermon N/A Sun AM The Power of Gods Word - 2 - Wayne Goff - 09-29-2013am.mp3
09/22/13 The Problem of Contentious Pride Josh Kleinlein Sermon N/A Sun AM The Problem of Contentious Pride - Josh Kleinlein - 09-22-2013am.mp3
09/22/13 The Challenge of Repentance Jerald Prater Sermon N/A Sun PM The Challenge of Repentance - Jerald Prater - 09-22-2013pm.mp3
09/20/13 Going Home Thomas Hagewood Gospel Meeting Fall 2013 Gospel Meeting Going Home - Thomas Hagewood - 09-20-2013pm.mp3
09/19/13 Does It Matter Where You Go To Church? Thomas Hagewood Gospel Meeting Fall 2013 Gospel Meeting Does It Matter Where You Go To Church - Thomas Hagewood - 09-19-2013pm.mp3
09/18/13 Personal Evangelism from Ecclesiastes Thomas Hagewood Gospel Meeting Fall 2013 Gospel Meeting Personal Evangelism from Ecclesiastes - Thomas Hagewood - 09-18-2013pm.mp3

Displaying 1156 - 1170 of 1786

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